Artificial intelligence (AI) is a machine that can mimic some aspects of human intelligence, such as performing simple transactions, compiling information about a certain topic, and making sense of human speech. AI has become integral to a wide range of common activities, so you’re likely to encounter this technology often — whether at home, at work, or on the go.
In the Summer ’24 issue of Website Compass, we highlight some of the most prevalent areas in which AI is now used. You’ll learn how AI operates in customer service, education, transportation, travel, robotics, and health care. We also offer a brief history of AI, consumer concerns about it, and tips and facts to round out your under-standing of this fascinating innovation.
From performing surgeries to enhancing education to taking over tasks that would be dangerous for humans, AI-based applications and devices improve human lives. As with any new technology, though, people have understandable reservations about the downsides of AI. Many experts agree that its potential to help humans outweighs the risks. We invite you to make up your own mind as you review the full article here.