Your local calling area is the geographic area that you may call without incurring a toll charge:
- It includes all calls to numbers with the same telephone exchange (the three digits of your phone number after the 603 area code). For example, if your exchange is 887 you can call anyone else within New Hampshire with that 887 exchange without incurring a toll charge.
- You can also make toll-free calls to numbers in your extended local calling area. This can vary by telephone exchange, but most customers can make toll-free calls to the exchanges contiguous to their own. Our Chester/Sandown (887) and Weare (529) exchange customers can also call Consolidated’s Manchester exchanges without a toll charge.
- Please note that exchange boundaries do not match town boundaries. Some towns, such as Hampstead have more than one telephone exchange and some telephone exchanges, such as Chester/Sandown (887) include more than one town.
- Don’t assume a telephone number is local. In areas where there are many businesses, (such as Manchester, Derry, and Goffstown), new telephone companies compete with Consolidated for local telephone service. These new companies assign their own telephone exchanges. In some cases, calls to these exchanges are not free even though the person that you are calling is located in a town where you have traditionally been able to call for free, for example Manchester. To clear up the confusion, you can refer to the tool above, or call our Customer Service office at 603-529-9911.