We welcome all questions and comments on our social media pages, including criticism. The following guidelines are designed to help provide a quality environment for our page visitors.
By using or accessing the Granite State Communications Facebook page, you agree to comply with Facebook’s Terms and Conditions (https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms). Any content that is a violation of these terms or violates our guidelines will be removed.
1) No profane, defamatory, offensive or violent language.
2) No “trolling”, or posting deliberately disruptive statements that are excessively repetitive or harassing to Granite State Communications or fellow page followers.
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4) No links to profane, defamatory, libelous, offensive or demeaning videos or websites.
5) No spam.
6) No acknowledgment of intent to stalk an individual or collect private information without disclosure.
7) No content that relates to confidential or proprietary business information.
8) No posts related to an HR or LEGAL issue. This includes legal action involving Granite State Communications, soliciting individuals to engage in legal action against Granite State Communications, or offering other legal advice.
9) No posts that share your sensitive account information (please use a private message or call us).
This is a moderated page and comments will appear if and when they are approved. We will review the submissions several times daily, so please don’t resubmit if your comment doesn’t appear immediately.
All comments, images and links submitted by a Participant represent the sole responsibility and opinion of that individual Participant, and Participant assumes all liability and responsibility with respect to applicable intellectual property rights and obligations associated with such comments, images and links. Granite State Communications, including but not limited to its officers, directors or employees and affiliated entities, is not responsible or liable for any Participant’s comments and will be held harmless from any and all claims, liability and damages arising out of Participant’s Page participation. Granite State Communications makes no representation or warranties of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of comments made.